I finally travelled outside of my prefecture. I spent last weekend in Kyoto with some other English teachers from the area. It was a great trip. We spent time looking at different temples and shrines, and stayed in a hostel at night. The last time I was there, a taxi driver decided to become our tour guide, and although it was helpful, we were rushed to get to all the tourist spots. While we didn't see as much this time, it was nice to walk around the city and see things close up. Kyoto is really a beautiful city- it's large, but never feels like it when you are there. Newly constructed buildings sit right next to shrines that are hundreds of years old. It's just an amazing place to experience. I will definitely go back soon.

Awesome pictures! Kyoto looks like a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing your photos with us readers. I've bookmarked your blog. Keep it up.
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