Here are some random pictures because I don't have a whole lot to write about right now.
I have been getting tired of the weather this month. It's been overcast, humid, rainy almost every day lately, so I was excited to look out the window of my apartment and at least see some real clouds for a change.
These are kids at my favorite school. One of the girls started crying today when the teacher told them I was leaving. Of course, at age 7, I'm pretty sure she'll forget me as soon as the next English teacher shows up.
I was trying to get a good picture of the kids dishing up their school lunch in their classroom, but he wouldn't get out of the way. It's cute, anyway, and that's school lunch behind him.
Here's the rest of us waiting for everyone else to get their food so we can eat.
Some of my preschool students. They have the best poses.
Some of the other teachers getting ready to tube down the Nagara River. In the rain.
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