Nearing the End
Not much has happened lately- I feel like all I have been doing is going to a lot of birthday parties. I never realized how many summer birthdays there are. So I thought I would just relate this story:
The schools here require that people take their shoes off at the entrance. Most teachers have their own shoes, but because I move to different schools so often, I just wear the "visitors" slippers. They are these slippery vinyl things that easily fall off my feet when I'm walking. I have learned to shuffle in a way that prevents them from falling off (usually). The other day when my students picked me up in the teachers office for lunch, I was carrying my tray and following them up the stairs to the classroom where we eat lunch as a class. Several times in the past, these slippers have almost caused me to fall up the stairs, but somehow I have always avoided it. Until this time. I HAD to trip while I was carrying a tray full of food. Specifically, tea and a large bowl of fishy-smelling soup that ended up all over me. The boy I was walking with looked horrified. He asked if I was ok, then ran and got a box of tissues. We tried to sop up most of the mess off the floor (unsuccessfully) and went to class. All of the students were looking at me sympathetically, and several of them came over and replaced the other food on my tray with dry food. I was embarrassed AND I smelled like fish for the rest of the day. It was funny, though. I wish you could have all seen it.
And that's it for now. I am having my last visits to all my schools, and it's getting pretty sad. I will miss my students and teachers. I can't believe I'm leaving in 2 months!!
For those of you who don't like to read as much as look at pictures, here you go:

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