As I was woken up last night, my train of thought was: Who is shaking my bed?! And HOW are they shaking my...It's an earthquake!! Everything I learned in those elementary school drills came rushing back to me. I started worrying about my kitchen table being sturdy enough if I crawled under it. Then I started worrying that if anything happened, how was I going to communicate with people? Well, this all only lasted a couple of seconds, but I don't know when I have felt so powerless. There isn't much you can do when the whole building and the earth around it is shaking. I had forgotten that I am living in one of the most tectonically active areas in the world. Growing up in Utah (and living on a fault), I never felt the ground shake, even though I know it happened a few times. Now, as little as it was, I can say that I have experienced an earthquake.
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