Some of the teachers from one of my elementary schools invited me to dinner with them last night. I took Val and Reiko with me and we had a good time getting to know the teachers I otherwise don't get much of a chance to talk to. We had a good dinner, but the really exciting part of the night was the arcade. We have all seen (or even played) Dance Dance Revolution, and I was always entertained by watching other people playing these games, but I was never interested myself in playing them. I can't believe I have never tried the Taiko Drum game before!! In this game there are two Taiko drums side by side and you try to beat the other person by perfectly matching the rythm presented to you by the machine. It can be a little difficult with all the other music in the arcade blaring around you, but there is a pattern that scrolls across the screen that you use more than the music. Earlier in the day, I had somehow hurt my wrist and by the end of the night my wrist was swollen from drumming and I could barely move my hand. But it was worth all the pain.

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