Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus
Mr. and Mrs. Santa, some of the teachers in the pre-school department, and the mysterious candle ceremony fairy.
Yes, most of these kids are crying. It took a long time to get all of them from running out of the photo. I don't know if it was worth it.
These older kids (about 4 years old) like Santa a little. I'm still not sure that they understood who he was.
This picture is just to demonstrate the art of overpackaging in Japan. This small piece of gum is individually wrapped, and placed into this box with other small pieces of individually wrapped gum. Then this box is wrapped in cellophane, which is wrapped with other boxes in a plastic bag to sell in the grocery store. And sometimes when you buy gum, it comes with a little mini post-it notepad used for spitting the gum out. It is insane. Every time I buy more than one item at the store, at least one of those items is (unnecessarily) placed in it's own little plastic bag before being placed in the larger plastic bag with the other item. Is there any way to stop this? I've learned the word for "no, no, it's ok" but am not always able to use it in time.
What's the story behind the candle ceremony girl?
All those little kids look so cute! Did you ever think you would be teaching kids? ha ha ha
It looks like you are having an amazing time in Japan. Kamryn loves to look at your blog pictures with me. I need your address so I can send you a Christmas Greeting!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Keep warm.
The candle ceremony girl is still a mystery to me. Apparently, all the people who were setting up the Santa visit thought that the candle ceremony is something we always do for Christmas. So this girl dressed as a fairy came out with a lit candle and lit everyone else's candles with it. Yes, even the 4-year olds!
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